Digital Goods and Services
Digital Goods and Services
From audiobooks, music and any digital good, we take care of chargebacks and improve customer experience with less false declines.

Stop fraud, boost user experience.

Stop multiple fraud threats efficiently
From onboarding, transactional, account fraud to promo abuse, manage all with a single API.

Stop scammers while improving your real user's experience
Reduce friction for users testing your service or buying for the first time. Recognize recurring shoppers in milliseconds while keeping fraudsters away.

DETECT and Respond to every anomaly in real time
Leverage decision models that learn quickly and respond in milliseconds. Plus, they're enhanced with collective knowledge.

Frictionless user experience
Prevent friction with your genuine users by recognizing them via modern tools such as Graph Analysis and a Big Data Architecture.
Prevent multiple digital fraud risks at once.
- Real-time decisions
- Bot detection
- Account Takeover prevention
- Synthetic Identity recognition
- Trusted / Risky shopper lists
- User Graph analysis
- Real-time analytics with
custom views
- Downloadable reports
- Buyer and seller monitoring (for marketplaces)
Used every day by:

“Since we launched Bayonet our approval rate when charging users that end their free trial has increased 175%.”
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